The following article was written at The Weekly Sticky. This explanation is a simplified way to understand how your nervous system works throughout your body.
“Electricity flows through power lines and messages of communication flow through phone cables… but the ‘power’ that flows through Nerve fibers is far more intricate, intelligent and critical to your Life.”
Nerves carry ‘smart’ signals – organized instructions and data which relay from the brain to the body and from the body back to the brain. this complicated loop forms the communication network needed to guide every physiological function in your body from respiration to perspiration… assimilation to elimination… tissue breakdown and tissue repair. Innately, trillions of messages flow through your nerve system every second of your Life, in an automated effort to keep you alive without your conscious input. So how important is it to maintain this amazing system?
This is the realm of Chiropractic care – the protection and preservation of these ‘Life wires; so that you can experience perfect function, abundant health and well being. The doctor inside you can accomplish just about anything as long as your internal power lines remain clear.”
Proper communication between your nervous system and every other cell/tissue/organ of your body is vital to your health. If you are experiencing any sort of miscommunication in your body, see your local chiropractor. Impact is proud to have two Fort Collins chiropractors.