Chiropractic care is all about an inside-out approach to health. There is an emphasis on restoring our body’s ability to adapt, heal and grow. Our nervous system’s job is to be the command center for the body. It helps all other parts of the body communicate with each other. Keeping the nervous system functioning at its best is essential for our health. Feeling good on the inside translates to how we look on the outside. There is so much more value in how we feel rather than how we look! Taking an inside-out approach to health gets to the root of the problem and provides long-term solutions to pain and discomfort.
How Chiropractic Heals the Body from the Inside-Out
Chiropractic was founded on the belief that the body has the innate ability to heal itself. We are constantly exposed to external sources of healing whether that is medications, surgery, or quick fixes. While those things have value in certain circumstances, Chiropractic principles teach that the body is capable of incredible things when it is functioning at its best. The goal of chiropractic adjustments is to create balance in the body by removing interferences and restoring the nervous system’s functionality. We need proper structure in order to achieve proper function. Getting regular chiropractic adjustments aids in the restoration of our body’s innate ability to heal itself by focusing on the health of the spine and the nervous system.
Food and Inside-Out Health
In addition to consistent chiropractic care, the things we put into our body plays a big part in how well we function. Food is fuel for our bodies! Whole, nutrient-rich foods can impact our body’s ability to heal itself. On the other hand, when we constantly feed our body with sugar-filled, processed food, we are limiting the incredible things that our body can do. While it is important to treat ourselves and enjoy the food we eat, there is so much value in adding more fresh, whole foods into the mix.
Daily Movement’s Role in Inside-Out Health
Exercise routines can feel intimidating and impossible to keep up with. However, adding daily movement into your day does not need to be stressful or overwhelming. Going on a walk, stretching before bed, trying a new workout class with a friend, or even standing up throughout the day at work are all ways to get moving. An inside-out approach to health involves getting your heart rate up and prioritizing daily movement. The benefits of exercise are seemingly countless; increased circulation, better sleep, improved mood, and more energy are just a few. Once we begin to look at movement as a tool to help us feel our best rather than using it to look a certain way, it becomes even more powerful to our health.
How Mindfulness and Meditation Impact Inside- Out Health
The way your think affects your health. Whether you think about things in a positive or negative light makes a difference. Mindfulness is the practice of being present and aware of what is going on in the moment. Meditation is a great way to get into the practice of mindful thinking. Thinking in this way reduces anxiety, improves positivity, and promotes a healthy lifestyle. Our mental health and our physical health go hand and hand so it is important that we take our mental health seriously. How we think about ourselves, others, and the world around us is a huge part of inside-out health.