Everyone can benefit from having strong pelvic floor muscles, but especially pregnant women.
“The pelvic floor muscles (the Levator Ani muscle complex) are known to have active roles in pregnancy and childbirth, as well as in spinal stabilization. When the pelvic floor muscles are damaged or stressed over time, health issues like incontinence and vaginal prolapses can crop up [1]. We know these are problems with massive emotional, physical, social and financial costs across the world and a significant cause of stress for these women.
For a woman in labor, the ability to relax pelvic floor muscles (as well as contract them) to allow the baby to move through the birth canal is incredibly important, especially as the baby crowns. If the woman can’t relax these muscles as the baby moves through, she will tire more quickly and may require more interventions to assist the birthing process [2]. Muscles that cannot relax could also interfere with a birth progressing without interference. In an ideal situation, strong pelvic floor muscles with an ability to relax would better prepare a mother for a natural, vaginal birth.”
Chiropractic care relieves subluxations, or misalignments of the vertebra which cause nerve interference, thus clearing up any miscommunications to the pelvic floor muscles. Chiropractic adjustments help by giving the patient more control over their pelvic floor muscles, and in pregnancy can make vaginal childbirth easier. Our doctors are Webster Certified and specialize in prenatal care, helping women become more comfortable during pregnancy, labor and delivery.
For those who aren’t pregnant, strengthening those pelvic floor muscles may mean a decreased risk of urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, and vaginal prolapse.
The direct quotes above come from the Australian Spinal Research Foundation, you can find the article entirely here.