More than half of the calories in the average American diet are made up of “Ultra-processed” foods. This “food” source also contributes up to 90% of all added sugar intake as well. These ultra-processed foods mimic real food with the help of flavorings, emulsifiers, and other artificial additives. These foods also contain an immense amount sugar, with 1 in every 5 calories found in the average ultra-processed food product being added sugar. Added sugar not only causes weight gain, but it is also linked to diabetes, tooth decay, and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. *
Cut back on your sugar consumption by also minimizing processed foods you are eating. This means fewer chicken nuggets, canned soup, soda, fruit snacks – and more natural whole meats, fruits, and vegetables. Check out your local grocery store and stick to the outer edges of the store, focusing on organic options, especially for foods included in the “Dirty Dozen.” If added dollar amount to organic food is something you are concerned with, remember the rule of the Dirty Dozen and the Clean Fifteen.
* The information above can be found in the BMJ March 2016 Press Release at the following link:
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