As you know, at Impact Chiropractic we take your personal health and safety very seriously. You may have some growing concerns about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), and we wanted to put your mind at ease. We have always followed the CDC and Dept of Health’s recommendations and standards for healthcare providers. However, we want to outline some of the standard and additional precautions we have taken during this time:
- Chiropractic tables are disinfected between each patient. If you would like a private room outside of the adjustment bay, please make your request with any of our assistants. This may add additional time to your scheduled appointment, so please plan accordingly.
- Multiple times a day we disinfect the toy area, rehab equipment, door handles, and commonly used surfaces. Additional disinfecting wipes have been added by the traction units for patients to use as well.
- Hand-washing and sanitizing is your best self-defense against the spread of germs. The Chiropractors at Impact Chiropractic sanitize their hands between each patient they come in contact with. We do have sterile gloves in each room as well. Please request prior to your adjustment if you would like the doctor to wear them.
- We are grateful to have added another phenomenal Chiropractor at the perfect time. Because of this, we are able to accommodate more patients and your time spent in the office should be decreased. However, many patients are choosing to increase their wellness plans at this time. Adjustments help to boost the immune system and it is one of the best proactive decisions you can make at this time of concern. Please let our team know if you would like to increase the frequency of yours and your family’s adjustments during this pandemic.
- If you would like to schedule your appointments at our slower times, please talk with our Chiropractic Assistants and they will do their best to help accommodate the schedule.
- Besides our internal air purification system, we will also be diffusing On Guard in the office during patient hours. On Guard is a powerful proprietary blend of essential oils that supports healthy immune function and contains cleansing properties.
- Professional cleaning. Please take comfort in the fact that not only do we clean and sanitize the office between patients, we also hire professional cleaners weekly for intense deep cleaning.
- Please stay home if you are not feeling well, especially if you have a fever, are coughing or sneezing or are experiencing shortness of breath. Because adjustments boost the immune system, we understand your desire to come for your appointments. Instead, we request that you please stay home if you are not feeling well (especially if you have a fever, coughing, sneezing, or respiratory issues). However, we would be happy to accommodate you in our private adjusting room. We will ask that you wear a mask into the office and not use any of the rehab equipment. Our team will direct you to a private, sterile adjusting room in the east wing of our building. Please call ahead if this is your case so that our doctors can better prepare themselves to see you at a proper time (last patient of the day.)
- Be cautious and if your child is coughing, sneezing, or having respiratory issues, please do not allow them to roam around the office and please keep them out of the toy area.
- Help us by being vigilant. If you have traveled to any of the countries where there are outbreaks of the virus, please follow guidance on the CDC website.
- We have advised all team members to wash their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, particularly after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing their nose, coughing or sneezing.
- We have hand sanitizers stocked in every room and at each of the front/back desks and rehab area.
- Any staff members who are ill will be sent home.

We are closely monitoring updates from the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization regarding COVID-19. We will continue to seek guidance from these agencies and public health officials, and we will update you as new information becomes available.
Doctor means teacher. Therefore our doctors are passionate about providing information on how to prevent disease and prolong and enhance your quality of life. If you would like more information on current immune boosting protocols we have been speaking about, please read the following:
-Blog on the Top 5 Tips to Boost your Immune System
-Dr. Elise’s IG Highlight video on Supplements for her Kids
We are committed to making our clinic a safe and enjoyable place for all. Thank you for being such a valued patient of our Impact Chiropractic family.
Best in Health,
Dr. Elise Rigney, DC