As Labor Day marks the “unofficial” end of summer, the kids get ready for another week of school. Some parents struggle to let go, while others can’t wait to get their kids back into a routine. It’s early in the school year so if your child is already struggling to focus, concentrate, or behave, take action now.
In our office, we help many children balance their energy levels. Some children crave constant input and when they don’t receive it, they create it. When their bodies have subluxations, or misaligned vertebra, their nervous system can go into overdrive. Their gas pedal (or sympathetic nervous system) is stuck on and they can’t get themselves out of “flight or fight.” They can’t sit still, they can’t focus, they can’t thrive and learn. Chiropractors help by activating the brake pedal (or the parasympathetic nervous system) and allow their body to slow down and regulate itself. Adjustments and also proprioceptive activities can help these kiddos throughout the school year.
Impact Chiropractic specializes in pediatric chiropractic in Fort Collins. We know how important it is for your child to learn and get the most out of school. Bring them in to get adjusted, but also incorporate some of the following proprioceptive activities during their school day.
- Ask the teacher to give them classroom chores. This will get them up and moving, and give them an important task to complete.
- Tie a Theraband around the front of their desk for them to kick.
- Buy them pencil grips
- Allow them to have a balloon filled with flour or sillyputty, to keep their hands busy.
- Give them gum to chew, if allowed by the school and/or the teacher
- Active recess games such as jump rope, football, playing catch with heavy balls/bean bags
For more ideas about how to get your child to focus during class, ask one of our doctors! Back to school should be fun and exciting for your kiddos, and not be stressful and difficult. Keep the kids well adjusted so they can get the most out of their school day!
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